Revolution and Counter Revolution

108,00 TL
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180,00 TL
Stok Adedi: 4


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The working class movement itself never is independent, never is of an exclusively proletarian character until all the different factions of the middle class, and particularly its most progressive faction, the large manufacturers, have conquered political power, and remodelled the State according to their wants. It is then that the inevitable conflict between the employer and the employed becomes imminent, and cannot be adjourned any longer; that the working class can no longer be put off with delusive hopes and promises never to be realized; that the great problem of the nineteenth century, the abolition of the proletariat, is at last brought forward fairly and in its proper light.

Yayınevi : Gece Kitaplığı
Yazar : Friedrich Engels
Barkod : 9786257411875
Boyut : 14x21
Sayfa Sayısı : 144
Cilt Tipi : Ciltsiz
Kağıt Cinsi : 2. Hamur
Basım Yılı : 2021
Cep Boy : Hayır
2. Hamur


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